▲ Skin SCUBA underwater. Provided By KU SCUBA Club

With summer creeping upon the campus, students are looking for ways to avoid heat. Perhaps the best way to do this is to be completely submerged in water, letting the water keep you from the scorching sun. If you are a freshman looking for a refreshing way of avoiding heat this summer, Korea University’s (KU) Skin SCUBA club has a solution for you. 

To first introduce what it is they exactly do, SCUBA stands for Self Contained Undersea Breathing Apparatus. It refers to a diving activity done with breathing equipment, allowing the divers to reach deeper waters for a longer amount of time. Although scuba diving has become a very well-known leisure sport, not a lot of people know how to do it. Having practiced, taught, and enjoyed scuba diving for over 40 years, KU’s scuba club is one of the most systemized clubs in the country, and is presenting you with a chance to join them.


▲ The Skin SCUBA Club at a two-week training session on vacation. Provided by KU SCUBA Club


Too Expensive or Hard to Learn?

One of the ideas that keep students away from trying out scuba diving is its entrance barrier. The common conception is that you need a lot of expensive equipment along with professional training if you are to even start scuba diving. Many feel that this is too much of a burden to enjoy a leisure sport. However, Lee Geun Hyung (’11, Political Science and International Relations), the club leader, assured students that joining KU’s scuba club was the most affordable way to start scuba diving.

“It is true that scuba equipment is very expensive, but all scuba equipment is provided by our club. Moreover, our club is well supported by our alumni.” Lee said during his interview with The Granite Tower (GT). “As for the professional training that students are worried about, we conduct a thorough training program during the semester and vacation to fully prepare students for scuba diving.”

KU’s scuba club has a two-week training session during the vacation. The training session includes training in a five-meter pool to study basic body positions or techniques that beginners must master before diving in real waters. They are also taught to deal with scuba equipment and how to deal with emergency situations. The most interesting thing about this training session is that the students themselves teach the newcomers. Many alumni, who have education licenses for scuba diving, also help out in the process. New members only have to pay for swimming pool fees or basic transportation costs during the sessions.


So, despite the worries of most students, joining KU’s only scuba club may be a very good opportunity for them to receive exemplary training without having to pay substantial costs.


▲ The Skin SCUBA Club at a two-week training session on vacation. Provided by KU SCUBA Club

Go Scuba Diving!


After members finish their training sessions, the scuba club goes diving to beautiful waters in Korea. They go on diving trips all year around to seas over Korea. The most favorite places that KU’s scuba club visits include Gangreung, Jeju Island, and Ulleung Island. “We prefer the East Sea where the sea is clearer and where divers can really enjoy the ocean,” Lee explained.


Lee and many other members of the club explained why scuba diving was so intriguing and magical. “For the two weeks of training sessions, I am completely cut off from the busy life of campus. It is just me in the water which is a healing experience,” said Oh Sang Jun (’12, Business Administration). Some described underwater as a magical place. “Everything is different underwater. You can experience a state of no gravity. Objects that seem dull on land take on a different light underwater and it really is a whole new world,” said Lee, expressing his awe that he felt underwater.


“We really become a family through the time we spend together in this club,” said the club members in unison. “The difficult training and the beautiful experiences we share make us closer than any relationship you can hope for in a club.” It was obvious that their scuba diving trips were all that KU students dreamed of: adventurous, friendly, and an escape from reality.

Who Should Join?

Many students may be interested in joining this magical experience. To join, they should be aware of who the scuba club is looking for. The scuba club picks freshmen to be its new members. It does not hold auditions or scheduled interviews but recruits constantly if there is a qualified student willing to join. The most important quality that the club looks for is perseverance and tenacity. “While the scuba diving experience is thrilling and exciting, it is also dangerous and demanding. We want students who can endure these processes,” Lee said.

If swimming through corals and fish while finding peace in complete silence of the ocean sounds like something you would enjoy, then this club may be the one you want to join before the summer vacation. With its own training system, equipment, and diving trips all around Korea, this is the ultimate escape.


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