Have you ever wanted to be more than you are? More attractive, more confident, or more successful? Have you ever wanted to walk into a job interview knowing you were going to make a great impression? If that is the case, one can improve one’s image with the help of an image consultant. Though the job is still better recognized abroad than in Korea, it has a bright future with much potential.

The Granite Tower (GT) was able to meet Jung Yun Ah (Jung Yun Ah Image Tech Institute), a renowned image consultant who plays an active part in the field. The interview took place at Jung’s office, which was colorfully decorated with samples of color codes, different shirts and ties.

During the one-hour interview, Jung seemed to be in a pleasant mood with a constant smile. It seemed that her professionalism and her easy-going personality made her the best in the field. Jung is the teacher of teachers and master of her domain. Jung even consulted the incumbent president Park Geun-hye during her presidential election campaign. As an image consultant, Jung brings a wealth of knowledge and experience that cannot be matched. Also, as a teacher of other image consultants, she offers the most superior courses and texts.

When asked how she started off her career, she answered, “I have always loved looking at myself in the mirror. Also, my keen interest in style and fashion turned into a professional study. Yet, when I first became interested in this job, it was not well-known in Korea.”

So what does an image consultant do? Simply put, image consulting is changing one’s image. People usually think of the “visual” aspects when enhancing an individual’s image. However, Jung emphasized that the procedure of image making takes a collaborative effort. “I do not consider only ‘visual aspects’ such as fashion styles for a client’s image making. Using psychological ways and behaviors to change the image pattern and make a new image frame is very important.”

▲ Jung Yun Ah shares her experiences with The Granite Tower (GT).

Usually, image consultants focus their career on one field. For example, one consultant specializes in color consulting while another consultant is an expert in behavioral consulting. However, Jung strongly disagrees with this inclination. She believes seven factors comprise one’s image; that is, face, manner, fashion, speech, body language, makeup, and hair style. She added that these factors should harmonize and go together while consulting one’s image. “An image consultant acts as a guide in polishing the seven components and presenting oneself to one’s best advantage and in expressing one’s highest potential,” explained Jung.

Jung added, “In short, as an image consultant, I help men and women to define and refine their image. My role is part detective, part therapist and part fashion advisor. There is no ‘one-style-that-fits-all’, so it is when I get to know the real you, your expectations, that I can teach you how we can build your outer appearance to match your inner self.”

Image consulting takes in-depth knowledge of the art and science of image management and applies it to the different roles people perform in different stages of their career. “In the visual aspect, colors play a big role in styling,” Jung said. “Like seasons, there are four groups of colors that define which suit your skin more. Spring means vibrant colors; winter is deep; fall is warm; and summer is soft,” she added. On top of that, one’s behavior, including manners and facial expressions is even more important.

▲ Jung’s office decorated with samples of color codes and shirts.

“When I am consulting one’s image, I try to see clients in an objective view,” Jung said, “according to scientific and systematic ways, the consultant should help the clients to understand their weaknesses, convince them to change, and help them to find suitable images.” Jung added that changing one’s image takes time and effort. A client’s physical appearance, from hair to wardrobe choices may be easy to alter for the better but changing one’s behavior and communication skills takes a longer time, at least two months.

Image consultants meet the needs of famous politicians, professional speakers, and even normal individuals, regardless of age. Jung said, “Image consulting is a rewarding career when you want to share your knowledge and expertise to help others excel in their personal and professional lives. I feel accomplished through observing the procedure of my clients changing their image.” She also added, “I love my job that I myself can be attractive as well by coaching others to become attractive.”

“I think my job does not have any big problem or difficulty compared with other jobs, but the fact that I should always be the role model by keeping ‘the desirable’ image is sometimes burdensome for me. You know, I should have some space to make mistakes!” Jung confessed with a laugh.

When one has made the commitment to become an image consultant, it is important to develop skills and knowledge to effectively offer clients counsel. Global Image Consultant Association (GICA) can help. “You can attend GICA’s educational programs and accelerate your learning. To get on the fast track, you can register for image training courses or participate in individual image training,” explained Jung, “as certification validates you as a professional and lends credibility to your work. Getting certified and being listed in GICA’s membership directory will ultimately give you more exposure to the public.”

When asked about her ultimate goal as an image consultant, Jung said with an ambitious tone, “I want to establish a college in Korea specializing in image consulting. It will have the seven specific majors aforementioned. I believe Korean image consulting can act as Hallyu, the Korean Wave to other Asian nations.”

“Actually I have been to Korea University (KU) and had a lecture about image making for the future employees. Unfortunately, not many students participated in that lecture. I think it is important for students to be aware and make efforts to enhance their image.” Jung lastly advised, “Companies prefer employees who are bright, creative, and diligent. As we say, it takes three seconds or less to form a first impression, and employers do look at interviewees’ appearances and images in every interview. Image is a powerful tool. Through one’s image, the employers guess their future employees’ past life, or even personalities. So, students who want to be employed in their dream workplace have to bear this in mind.”

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