▲ Year-end Assessment on KU Human Rights Movements held on November 2. Photographed by Song Yeonsoo.
November 2 marks the fourth day of the 2017 Korea University (KU) Human Rights Week, Sum that started on October 30. In celebration of the week, the Korea University Student Association (KUSA) has planned a year-end assessment of the KU human rights movements. Kim Dong Hyun (’15, Korean Language Education), the President of College of Education, said from the panel, “I will speak according to the previous experiences.” The assessment was held on the fourth floor of the Student Union Building, starting from 7 P.M.
The first segment of the discussion focused on the correlation between the student community and the concept of human rights. The assessment centered around the perception of human rights within the KU students dealing with events such as the rejection of the student assembly resolution. KUSA also discussed the way it dealt with the human rights infringement cases on the campus.
The next portion dealt with assessing the level of human rights perception for the so-called minorities of the student community. Such included reviewing the achievement of the Queer Parade regarding the LGBTQ community as well as the assignment of the barrier-free seats for the disabled students during the 2017 Annual Ko-Yon Games.
The evaluation wrapped up by openly discussing the favorable direction and stance that KUSA and the rest of the human rights movements should be guided towards. By asking questions and actively listening through the evaluation process, students were able to voice their ideas to the KUSA as well as other student bodies, making the event a more interactive experience for all.
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