▲ (On the left), ESC members signature protesting President Park Geun-hye. (On the right) KAIST student council demand for President Park’s honorary degree be deprived. Provided by Money Today
On November 4, Professor Yoon Tae-Ung (Department of Electrical Engineering) of Korea University (KU), who is also the President of the Engineers and Scientists for Change (ESC) institution, released a petition about President Park Geun-hye’s defamatory scandal with Choi Sun-shil. Professor Yoon and the ESC Institution uploaded an online statement which quoted, “Korea Scientists and Engineers Demand President Park Geun Hye’s Resignation and Questions the Ruling Party’s Responsibilities.”
The declaration utilized the method of approaching the articles like that of a thesis including a ‘background-procedure-results-conclusion,' each criticizing the mistakes made by President Park by referring to the Korean Constitution. For example, the petition quoted that in 2015, the president’s decision to rewrite Korean history textbooks violated Article 31, which states that “Independence, professionalism, and political impartiality of education of institutions of higher learning shall be guaranteed.”
The statement soon gained many supporters from Korean scientists, with 503 Korean scientists and engineers obtaining signatures and participating in the protest. Professor Yoon said that “The ESC hopes that our small gesture can make our world a better place to live in.”


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