▲ The Booths of the selected 36 start-up companies hosted by D.CAMP in Hana Square. Photographed by Choi You Hyun.

Korea University’s (KU) D.MATCH recruitment program took place in Hana Square, on November 3, starting from 11:00 A.M. until 8:00 P.M. Its “D” standing for “Dream,” D.MATCH within KU is a new project of D.CAMP. D.CAMP is an organization within the Banks Foundation for Young Entrepreneurs which aims to support young people in search of a way to create their own businesses.

Project D.MATCH was first launched in 2013. In the project, D.CAMP selects 36 start-up companies with good reputations and achievements that are looking forward to hiring the young and talented. Then D.CAMP matches these companies with student participants that hold creative ideas related to certain fields and are willing to apply. This project gives them the chance to get an interview at the scene, or even find a business partner.

KU has hosted matching programs in the past. However, previous programs mainly focused on matching students in KU with large conglomerates. “D.MATCH anticipates on something different,” says Manager Lee Gyeong Eun (Department of Business Incubation Agency of KU Research and Business Foundation), “For the selected start-up companies, this is a good opportunity to not only promote their own product or service, but also to find enthusiastic young entrepreneurs that can benefit one another.” This explains why D.CAMP has set the keyword of this project as “Discovery.”

“It is the first time for us to co-host D.MATCH within a university campus,” Manager Lee adds, “If the result of this year’s project in KU and Ehwa Women’s University–which is to be held on November 10–turns out to be a success, we are hoping to hold this recruitment program every year within our campus.”

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