▲ Suk Chul Joo’s works from his exhibition Mong Jung Mong. Photographed by Lee Jeong Min.
Suk Chul Joo, one of the most innovative and renowned Korean painters of all, is holding a private exhibition at the Korea University (KU) Museum from August 26 to October 18. Named Mong Jung Mong, meaning “a dream within a dream,” this display shows all the works done by the artist over the last 30 years. Also, this exhibition is known to be a historical mark for the artist; he is officially ending the 30 year career he spent as the faculty of Chugye University for the Arts and showing the will to completely infatuate himself with art. It is notable that this is Suk’s second private exhibition, with his first one being held in 1985.

Suk’s art works have received much spotlight for his novel techniques he uses—painting with water. Combining Korean traditional Sansuhwas with acrylic paint, he uses an air gun filled with water to draw out the figures and finally strokes the painting with a wide brush. What is more special is that his works are a repeated cultivation of drawing out the utopia people living barren lives dream of. “It all seems like one story—a tale about a sweet dream,” expressed Lee Chae Eun (’15, Physical Education) after visiting the show. With no doubt, those interested in deviating from the routinely tiring lives should definitely visit, to vicariously feel comfort by looking at the exhibition’s dreamy works. 

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