The Korea University (KU) Student Council of Economics demanded an apology from the Student Council of Biomedical Engineering and the Festival Preparatory Committee for defiling the memorial stone set up in honor of Martyr Kim Doo Hwang (’80, Economics).
From May 18 to May 21, KU held its annual May Festival Week. While the whole school brightened up due to various festivities and pubs set up by each departments, on the other hand occurred a serious incident where the one-day pub of Biomedical Engineering Department disgraced the monumental tomb of the KU graduate martyr erected on People’s Square.  
Students of Biomedical Engineering holding the one-day pub had been putting up self-cooked relishes, alcohols, and cookware on top of the stone. Also, on the stone’s altar laid food waste and portable gas stoves. According to the campus wall poster written by the Student Council of Economics, they were infuriated by the fact that “it was only due to the sacrifice of these countless graduates that KU students of today could celebrate these festivals with ease,” and that the actions of Biomedical Engineering students “disgraced the symbolism of People’s Square”.
Other students also posed these actions as a serious problem. Jang Se Hun (’15, Political Science and Economics) said, “The actions of these students were clearly lacking common sense, and I felt sorry that many students nowadays are lacking common sense.”. Meanwhile Jun Hur (’15, Political Science and Economics) said, “It is pitiful that the actions of a few individuals are diminishing the image of the majority.” The Student Council of Economics urges fellow students to commemorate the sacrifices made by our martyrs and hopes that students of Biomedical Engineering would sincerely apologize for their actions.
▲ The relishes, cookware, and alcohols ruining the monumental tomb of Martyr Kim Doo Hwang. Provided by the Student Council of Economics.
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