Experiencing stress and anxiety is a frequent cause of concern for teenagers and college students. Adolescence and young adulthood are times of radical change due to the exposure to new surroundings, growing expectations from society, and pressuring ambitions. Regrettably, many face challenges to their mental health and have to find their way around them in solitude. This is because, despite its prevalence, mental discomfort remains a major taboo topic in numerous parts of the world. Yet, in recent years, Korea has started welcoming new viewpoints on similarly unspoken subjects, arguably through the influence of social media as a tool for cultural exchange. For this current issue, The Granite Tower (GT) conducted a survey among 125 students at Korea University (KU) to discover how social networks impacted their mental health awareness, and how much they know about it. 

Survey answers. Provided by The Granite Tower.
Survey answers. Provided by The Granite Tower.


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