Following the October 29 crowd crush in Itaewon that killed 156 people, Korea University (KU) set up two memorials in remembrance — one in front of Tiger Plaza and the other in Nobel Plaza. The banner at the incense burning location read “at the temporary memorial altar for the victims of the Itaewon incident, we respectfully pray for the peace of the deceased.” On the table were multiple bouquets of fresh flowers and cups of drinks in honor of the victims, following Korean tradition. Students have been mourning the loss of many young lives and paying their respects at the two locations, which were opened from November 1 to November 5.

In addition to the memorial altar, the university opened up student counseling sessions for those who were impacted by the tragedy. The Global Service Center (GSC) sent out e-mails to students with links to apply for counseling provided in both English and Korean. Students have also been handing out flyers and informational packets regarding the tragedy with hopes of action being taken to make sure the tragic incident does not repeats itself.

KU’s Memorial Altar in Tiger Plaza. Photographed by Jeon Hye-seo
KU’s Memorial Altar in Tiger Plaza. Photographed by Jeon Hye-seo


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