Korea University (KU) once again proves to be the best at sports with an easy victory at rugby and a result of 57-24 against Yonsei University (YU) in the 2022 Ko-Yon Rugby Games. The match took place in Goyang Stadium and lasted approximately 83 minutes, with KU being ahead of YU by a big margin during 94.46 percent of the game’s timeline.

During the first half, YU was winning by 3 points as it successfully did a penalty kick and field goal until KU scored a touchdown point known as a “try” at minute 4 with 37 seconds. A “try” is worth five minutes and lead to a score of 5-3 and KU kept dominating the match until the end of the game. As it kept scoring, the outcome carried on by advancing to 10-3, 12-3, and continued rising in favor of KU. It proved KU to have better speed, agility, and evasiveness for handling the rugby ball. By the end of the first half, the captain of the rugby team Shin Gi-su was “positive with the conduct of the team and felt confident to win.” As a matter of fact, confidence proved to be a good accessory towards gaining the win.

Players of the KU Rugby Team are seen celebrating at the end of the match. Provided by KU
Players of the KU Rugby Team are seen celebrating at the end of the match. Provided by KU

By the second half, fierce cheerleading broke out from the spectators’ side as it started with a 8 point lead from KU, which by the end it had become a 23 point lead. During this time, spectators were also able to witness strategic tackles, well planned offensive moves, and specific skills from positions. Players from the KU team had a higher body weight average compared to YU, which surfaced into an advantage when tackling came to play. Thus, in an interview with The Granite Tower (GT), Choi Seohyun (‘20, Biotechnology), said “how it felt very delightful to have won the rugby match and observe a great performance.”

By securing a victory in rugby, KU becomes the unofficial winner of the 2022 Ko-Yon Games as it has won the required 3 matches out of the 5 matches, or an overall 60 percent majority. Overall, KU has secured wins in rugby, basketball, and ice hockey. It has only lost baseball and awaits to see the results from soccer. But regardless, students felt happy seeing the final outcome of the game.

A celebration observed from the KU Rugby Team as they managed to score a touchdown point. Provided by KU
A celebration observed from the KU Rugby Team as they managed to score a touchdown point. Provided by KU


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