Korea University (KU) Professor Yu Seung-ho (Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering) of the Electrochemical Energy Laboratory has once again made headlines for breakthrough research on sodium as anode material for improved performance in batteries. He has collaborated with Professor Kim Duho (College of Mechanical Engineering, Kyung Hee University) for this research project. As a result, it has been published in the highly prestigious Advanced Functional Materials Journal.

An anode is an electrical conductor which allows a specific current to go inside a polarized device, which allows for batteries to absorb charge and electricity for maximum efficiency. Presently, elements including lithium and silicone are used as anodes, but electrochemical researchers and material developers have been focusing on novel materials to catch up with the rising demand for batteries in the technology market.

Sodium has become a promising replacement for the current elements in batteries as a more environmentally friendly material. Although the use of sodium still needs more research because of its differing electrochemical properties, by using oxidation-reduction reactions with sodium, the research shows a new direction for improved performance in batteries.

Professor Kim Duho with his Graduate Student and Professor Yu Seung-ho with his Graduate Student. Provided by KU.
Professor Kim Duho with his Graduate Student and Professor Yu Seung-ho with his Graduate Student. Provided by KU.


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