The idiom “starting with a clean slate” reflects the idea of breaking free from the mistakes of the past in order to achieve a fresh start. However, we often let our past errors define us through the ways in which we think, behave, and interact. This eventually traps us in a vicious cycle of self-doubt, taking us beyond the point where we cannot start with a clean slate on our own. To break free from this cycle of negativity, help from an unbiased observer becomes necessary.

With this intent in mind, the September issue of The Granite Tower (GT) aims to step in as a third party in discussing profound matters that range from the problems of a single individual to those of global phenomena. The Cover Story of this issue seeks to discuss the tragic death of a female sergeant in the Korean air force that took place in May. This article sheds a critical light on South Korea’s inadequate protection for its female victims of violence and touches on the entrenched culture of concealment still prevalent within the nation. The Feature section also covers various social issues including South Korea’s enactment of its anti-discrimination law, the dispute on the prospective rise of minimum wage in 2022, and the rights of inmates in Korean correctional facilities.

Even under the common theme, however, readers will notice the varying approaches that GT reporters took on the idea of a clean slate. Some articles may offer insight on putting the past behind for a new beginning, while other articles demand confronting past mistakes in order to seek a guiding hand for future improvements. All in all, GT hopes to invite its readers into the discussion and analysis of the ongoing issues of modern society.

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