As can be confirmed by its students, Korea University (KU) not only has one of South Korea’s biggest university campuses, but also one of the most strangely shaped campuses — on a map, the Seoul campus is in the form of a strange U. Therefore, it follows that spread throughout it are numerous nooks and crannies for students who wish to self-study. *The Granite Tower* (GT) asked four students from different departments and ages to tell us which spots within the KU Seoul campus are the best for self-study and why they believe it to be so.

Kim Seong Joo (’18, Physics)

I enjoy studying at locations where everyone else is studying too but the atmosphere is not too serious. Therefore, I prefer to study at the Science Library’s first floor lounge or the College of Science Annex’s study room. Due to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the opening hours of the College of Science Annex have been shortened so I usually go to the Science Library. Its lounge is quiet but not stuffy, which I like. There is also variety in spots to study in, like carrel desks and the lounge, so you can switch spots every day.

Joo Seunghyeon (’20, Mechanical Engineering)

Actually, I like to study at study cafes. A variety of drinks are always prepared, and I can drink whatever I want. Also, the environment makes me conscious that other people may be looking; I can focus better than at home. As for spots within school, I enjoy studying at SK Future Hall the most. As it is a new building, it is very clean and tidy, and the wide space gives off a pleasant vibe. It is also relatively close to Anam station, making it easy for users to go out for a meal and come back after.

Kim Chan Joong (‘21, Business Administration)

My favourite place to self-study are study rooms. Study rooms are nicer for me because I prefer spaces that feel more personal rather than open. I also prefer quiet spaces to noisy ones, so I especially like to study in independent study rooms that are used by only one person at a time. Among places within the KU campus, I like the Centennial Memorial Hall to study in because of its quiet atmosphere. I feel as if the Centennial Memorial Hall helps me concentrate more easily compared to other places, like lounges.

Kim Jiho (’18, English Language and Literature)

Overall, I feel suffocated in confined spaces so I look for open and relaxed places to study in. For example, the window seat in a café or outside, if the weather is accommodating. Of spaces within the KU campus, I usually study at the café on the second floor of the Tiger Plaza. The café’s window seat allows for a nice view of the road leading to the International Hall and the College of Liberal Arts, as well as students busily going to their next lecture. The location is also excellent for quickly leaving for lectures at the College of Liberal Arts or the Woodang Hall.


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