Hours and hours spent doing homework, studying for tests, and searching for extracurricular activities, all for one ultimate goal: university acceptance. It is the sweet destination that drives many students to work so hard. A beautiful campus, freedom, friends, knowledge, and romantic relationships await in this promised land. At least, that is what teachers and the media say. “University will be the best years of your life.” This might be true to an extent; however, nothing is perfect, and reality might slightly skew from one’s expectations. *The Granite Tower* (GT) asked four Korea University (KU) students about the biggest letdown they faced at university.

Yang Ji Su (’19, Computer Science and Engineering)

The biggest letdown about university was the number of students that can register for a certain class. Most of the time, the set class size is too small, and I believe plenty of students do not even get a chance to take the class they want until graduation. If a certain class is popular, the teaching professor should enlarge the class size, or the university should open more classes with the same curriculum.

Seo Yi Seul (’20, Architecture)

Although this may only apply to those who started to attend university during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) spread, the biggest letdown was that I did not have the opportunity to experience a lot of university culture. Events such as the Annual Ko-Yon Games, Ipselenti – Jiya Hamsung and Membership Training (MT) were supposed to be the *flower* of university life at KU, so it was a shame that I did not have the opportunity to participate in them.

Han Jin Woo (’20, Business School)

One of my biggest letdowns about university was that due to COVID-19. I was not able to take classes on campus as they were taught through Zoom. I was also disappointed that I did not have the opportunity to participate in a lot of university events such as the Annual Ko-Yon Games, freshman orientation, cheer orientation, etcetera. I will not be able to experience these activities this year either due to my military service.

Choi Erica (’20, Political Science and International Relations)

I knew from the beginning that the classes would take place online due to the current pandemic; therefore, I did not have any expectations about university. Due to this, I was not let down greatly. However, I do wish that I could have attended offline classes as a freshman to meet new people, but it is understandable that it is currently difficult to do so. I hope that the pandemic reaches its end before my graduation so that I can enjoy a little bit of the university experience.


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