Projection is a word with a multitude of meanings: an estimate of the future, a physical thrust forward, the attribution of one’s emotions, the display of image or video on a screen, and so on. At the same time, these diverse meanings seem to share a trait. Whether it be from a projector onto a blank screen or from now to later on, all definitions of projection imply a direction in which it occurs. The March issue of The Granite Tower (GT) attempts to explore this theme of projection and its myriad connotations.

This issue includes many articles that suggest much-needed direction for our society’s problems. Examining the recent and unfortunate child abuse case of Jeong In, the Cover Story analyzes the systematic and legal loopholes that allowed such a tragedy to unfold. The article will hopefully urge readers to consider not only the provided expert opinions but also their own experiences to imagine a safer future for children. In addition, our Feature section dives into topical subjects such as stock price trends, delivery apps, and political conflict to paint an accurate outlook of them and perhaps propose ideal resolutions the society could strive towards.

Projection implies direction, but to where? The answer is undecided — which means that it is still malleable. On that note, the reporters and editors here at GT present our articles written with the goal of being informative, but more importantly, encouraging: Encouraging enough for readers to become interested and involve themselves. We dearly hope that reading this March issue will be inspiring as well as thought-provoking for all GT readers.

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