“Look up at the sun, I know I have begun a whole different world, another life.” The lyrics from the song, “North Face” by Odie is representative of his album, *Analogue*(2018). On his album, he creates a nostalgic world based on his own sincere experiences, in which his listeners will find the very basic attributes or the kismet of the human experience to deeply empathize with. *Analogue* prompts you to look deep inside the crevices of your mind and to fall under the spell of musician Odie.

In *Analogue*, the debut album by 21-year-old Canadian Odie, he talks about his life, particularly over the last three years. Odie is known as an experimental artist who embraces a broad range of music styles, including contemporary rhythm and blues (R&B) and hip-hop. In an interview with *Earmilk*, Odie explains why he named the album the way he did. “The process of making it felt timeless and nostalgic for me. I look up to a lot of artists from the 70s and 80s too.” As he mentioned, most of the songs on the album exude a sentimental mood. What is attractive about the album is that it sublimates this nostalgic mood into a trendy package through the delicate mixing of musical instruments, rhythm, and Odie’s mellow voice.

The song “Bliss City” which opens the album is captivating with its dreamy and appealing tune, befitting its name. The tune gradually dissolves into his low voice, pushing his listeners to go on a journey to the world he has created. The beginning of this journey, “North Face," touches upon the love of a man missing a woman. The lyrics, which touch upon people visiting and leaving him, encapsulate the essence of relationships or the inevitable feeling of loneliness in human beings.

The following track, “Story,” goes one step further toward the inner self. There are times when people feel like they are stuck in a situation and cannot get out of it. He captures this moment and further emphasizes the importance of making a story of your own. One essential point when creating your own story would be *faith*, which is discussed in the song, "Faith." His message then moves to a more existential and essential level. In the song “Little Lies,” he asks the question: What if all this was a little lie? Then he continues, “Only then would you realize?” These questions softly mix into the harmonious guitar melody and drum sounds, to provide a private space to think about the meaning of life.

Faith easily collapses in the face of suffering. Odie says demons lounge in his bed and all his pain sinks to the floor. These descriptions of emotional suffering are both realistic and metaphorical, which amplifies the sincerity of his songs and maximizes the overall pleasure of this album. At the end of the suffering, he talks about *solace*. In the track “Noise,” he finally reaches a point where he realizes that his solace, his story, and his destiny is *music*. In the end, he condenses the album into his desire to give people faith, solace, and peace through his music and messages.

By truthfully showing his thoughts, his motifs, and even himself through his album, Odie is on his way towards *his story*. Though the album tracks his individual self-discovery, common emotions are still shared, as well as the unique inspiration coming from the precise compositions of the songs. If you are going through a harsh time in your life, then enjoy *Analogue*. You may get the pleasurable comfort you need.

Cover image of *Analogue*. PROVIDED BY BILLBOARD
Cover image of *Analogue*. PROVIDED BY BILLBOARD


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