By The Granite Tower Photo Division

Lights are perceived to drive out darkness. Darkness, however, do not show without lights. Lights do not show without darkness. One’s darkness and brightness can be defined differently from people to people. One’s negative and positive experiences, one’s inner minds and outer minds, or secrets and not-secrets. Both, however, often coexist and make up a person’s richness.
Lights are perceived to drive out darkness. Darkness, however, do not show without lights. Lights do not show without darkness. One’s darkness and brightness can be defined differently from people to people. One’s negative and positive experiences, one’s inner minds and outer minds, or secrets and not-secrets. Both, however, often coexist and make up a person’s richness.
The world after death and death itself are commonly put into darkness and black as to color. It is only in life that people can actually feel the vast and multifarious colors. One of the great happiness in life is drawing the flash of inspiration from the impressions of colors. So why not try to find colors around you in the midst of repetitive daily routine? Without your attention, those colors might eternally fade away into the darkness where you never could get them back.
The world after death and death itself are commonly put into darkness and black as to color. It is only in life that people can actually feel the vast and multifarious colors. One of the great happiness in life is drawing the flash of inspiration from the impressions of colors. So why not try to find colors around you in the midst of repetitive daily routine? Without your attention, those colors might eternally fade away into the darkness where you never could get them back.
“Color is the place where our brain and the universe meet.”  -Paul Klee-                                                                              
“Color is the place where our brain and the universe meet.”  -Paul Klee-                                                                              
“The heart is like a garden. It can grow compassion or fear, resentment or love.What seeds will you plant there?”  - Jack Kornfield
“The heart is like a garden. It can grow compassion or fear, resentment or love.What seeds will you plant there?”  - Jack Kornfield
There are times that we *go west*. You get hurt from people and experiences, and then totally be lost. You might even start to feel like you are a lost cause. Nonetheless, it is the simple yet valuable happiness of every day that gives us the power to go through all the vicissitudes. Season spring is a perfect period of the year to feel great happiness! Every creature starts to enjoy the exuberant atmosphere and they themselves be the source of the vitality. Feel the happiness unique to spring!
There are times that we *go west*. You get hurt from people and experiences, and then totally be lost. You might even start to feel like you are a lost cause. Nonetheless, it is the simple yet valuable happiness of every day that gives us the power to go through all the vicissitudes. Season spring is a perfect period of the year to feel great happiness! Every creature starts to enjoy the exuberant atmosphere and they themselves be the source of the vitality. Feel the happiness unique to spring!


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