Chung Choon Chatgi as the Next Student Council for Liberal Arts

2013-12-03     Lee Hye Soo

On December 2, 2013, Chung Choon Chatgi was announced as the 47th student union for the college of Liberal Arts. The two member of this team was Kim Hwa Yoon (’10, Psychology) and Min Ye Ji (’11, Philosophy) and they had won against their opponent, “Mo-Eum” by almost 200 votes. To be exact, the votes for the elected team were 821 votes, while the lost team had 601 votes. The total voting rates this year counted for 48.9 percent of the whole students in the College of Liberal Arts, which translated to 1445 students. 27 votes were counted as nullified votes.


▲ Chung Choon Chatgi was elected as the 47th student union of the College of liberal Arts. Provided by Chung Choon Chatgi.

The campaign started in late November and had run on for long days. Chung Choon Chatgi also worked actively to run their campaign. They had appealed to students by offering the ways that they would implement to make the school a better environment such as improving the education environment, enhancing the interaction between the seniors and helping to save electricity.

After the announcement was made, Min said, “I am much honored, on behalf Chung Choon Chatgi, to be elected and I will make sure that I will do my best to fulfill out the promises that we had made. Thank you!”