Did Curiosity Kill the Cat?

2019-03-24     Moon Sun

 Curiosity is like a double-edged sword. It can be a key to new doors and discoveries, but it can also ultimately result in painful outcomes, just like the old proverb “curiosity killed a cat.” Many have their own experiences about the two faces of curiosity. The Granite Tower (GT) interviewed four Korea University (KU) students about their past experiences of whether their curiosity killed or helped the cat.

Kim Tae-gon ('17, Architecture)
Someone once said that chances and opportunities come unexpectedly. I was inspired by a senior who was a member of Korea University Student Union (KUSU) and I participated as an associate myself. Throughout the activities I was able to answer the questions about what schools are to students. It was the first time for me to work as a member of the Student Union, and I learned that school is not simply a place for studying, but where students work together to build such an environment. Based on this personal experience, I want to advise the incoming freshmen students to live with curiosity and try whatever they want to do.
Son Min-ji ('15, Spanish Language and Literature)
For me, curiosity is an opportunity to grow up. The most memorable experience was my participation in the Korea University Debate Championship (KUDC). The reason I started this activity was out of mere curiosity. It was in fact somewhat challenging for me to understand the debate culture, because it was carried out in a foreign language I am not really comfortable with. However, as I endured the hard times, I started to get used to the fun of debating. It helped me to think about matters from diverse perspectives. Therefore, based on my experience, even though "curiosity" could be challenging at first, the challenge itself could be the beginning to learning something new. Thus, I want to define curiosity as "a dynamic force for new growth."
Chung Jae-won ('16, German Language and Literature)
I think curiosity does not always bring positive results. It could take away your time and energy, making you worn out. Yet, taking on some new challenge based on curiosity is one meaningful experience that could be worth trying. When I first joined KU Orchestra, playing musical instruments was much more demanding than what I had first expected. Since I had never taken any music lessons before, I had to devote myself to the orchestra, unable to hang around with friends in my major and having trouble finishing course assignments. However, as I performed in front of the crowd and made unforgettable memories with other orchestra members, I felt pleased for participating in this time-consuming activity. If I did not suffer, I would not have experienced this joy too.
Jang Seong-kwan ('18, Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering)
I did not have any specific hobbies until I entered KU, when I participated in a school band Elise and the Seohwa Art Club. I entered these clubs out of mere interest, and soon found out that these two helped me spend time doing something meaningful. In the art club, we held exhibitions and drew pictures for others. In the band club, we held performances to play our music to others. Before I joined these clubs, all I did in my leisure time was sleep and watch TV at home. However, from these new challenges, I was able to meet new people and make diverse memories together. Therefore, I think my challenge out of curiosity was one meaningful attempt I made in college.