Compensation system for works used for class material has been agreed to be introduced in universities. This compensation system allows professors to site materials without having to worry about getting copyrights in legal form from the author.

The principles of the compensation system are that professors simply can use the material for class and later sign up to the compensation system and pay the right amount of money. The process facilitates professors in preparing for their classes and students can benefit from a ameliorated level of class material.

Korea Reproduction and Transmission Rights Association (KORRA) has signed an agreement previously in 2013 28 November that was for an early settlement of the compensation system. The contents of the agreement were lowering the compensation criteria and promoting more universities to sign up for the compensation system.

The compensation system has not been previously settled because universities did not agree to the compensation criteria. Thus the compensation fees has been drastically lowered to 1300 won per student for one year. The KORRA is planning on receiving the compensation fees for year 2013 until January 2014.


Korra is expecting that once the compensation system gets settled, professors will not have hassle in getting copyright permission and use a variety of the latest works for class without having to worry about copyright infringement. This will contribute to enhancing the competitiveness of universities which follow the compensation system. 


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