Over the two days, 25th to 27th, photography pieces of 21 students will be displayed in Hana Square, Science Campus. The exhibition is named “Perspectives 21” and it is the compilation of those who had taken Ahn Jangheon’s Digital Photography Class. Ahn Jangheon is the president of the Photographic Artist Association of Korea and is also a special lecturer at the Institute for Continuing Education.


▲ Ahn Jangheon, President of the Photographic Artist Association of Korea, was the special lecturer at the Institute for Continuing Education. Provided by photomarketing.co.kr

The 21 students who had participated in the Ahn’s class are those from the Institutes for Continuing Education. Although most students of these institutes are undergraduates, there are also many elderly students who are attending to restart their education. There are particularly those who are interested in photography as a way to study visual language and to create a new hobby for themselves.

All members of the class took photographs based on a certain theme and tried to tell their own story. Because of the limitation of the space, only two to three art pieces could be displayed. There were diverse themes and topics photographed such as buttons, architectures and faces of people. The artworks were a result of 15 weeks of education, including sessions of how to think through images and how to shoot photographs while travelling.  The exhibition continues until the 27th and is opened to anyone.




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