Have you ever done a personality test? Did you feel that the results pinpointed your personality correctly? Performing personality tests and categorizing people into certain types seem to be popular in Korea. Studies of personality have attracted many curious people wanting to understand their true self and others. Besides the fact that it might be a clue to finding one's self and being understood, recent studies suggest that personality findings may affect a great deal of one’s life, career, and success. 

Personalities are what differentiate one from another. Studies of personalities are dealt with in fields such as psychology, biology, management, and education. Recent findings show that personalities, in addition to building up a unique character, make each of the person’s life unique  and different. Personality influences one’s behavioral, attitudinal, response patterns. These innate but different qualities make one more apt for a certain job or task than other. 
There are a great number of different personality tests. Since the study of personality is not an exact science, none of the theories are in total consensus. Regardless of the uncertainty, personality assessment is widely used in educational and managerial environment.
The most widely accepted concept among academics and counselors is the effects of temperament. According to Carl Jung, a psychotherapist and a psychiatrist, temperament is the part of one’s personality or characteristics that one is born with. It includes the qualities that we are genetically built in to have. Jung developed and introduced the terms “extroverts” and “introverts” in 1923, which indicate the temperament to be either energized by other people, or energized by being alone. Based on Jung’s theories, the MyersBriggs Type Indicator (MBTI), a popular method being used in schools and other institutions, was introduced in 1942. 
MBTI categorizes a person into one of 16 types, a result of choosing one from the four opposite pairs. These opposite pairs are called “dichotomies.”
The MBTI personality test shows what preference the person has. Is the person “action-oriented (E)” or “thought-oriented (I)”? When gathering and interpreting information, does the person rely on more concrete data and senses. (S) or dose he or she depend on theories and future possibilities (N)? Do they prefer to make a decision by what seems logical (T) or do they take into account the situation, empathizing with it to achieve balance and harmony (F)? Are they more judging (J) or perceiving (P)?
People can figure out their types by honestly responding to an MBTI questionnaire. This personality can reveal much about a person. For instance, 25 percent of the whole Korean population is “ISTJ,” meaning that they are introverted, sensing, thinking, and judging. People in these types tend to be responsible, trustworthy, studious, and conventional. They abide by the rules and are organized. 
Kim Song Yeon (’12, Home Economics Education) is an ISFP, which is a type known for their quiet, observant, and humble qualities. She agrees that the type ISFP explains her quiet, reserved personality along with other characteristics she has. “I need time and space alone and I also do well in a hands-on environment,” says Kim.
Another popular personality test is the Enneagram. The Enneagram is not typically dealt with in academic psychology but has been accepted and implemented widely in business and spiritual settings as a self-understanding and self-developing method. The exact origin of the test is still debated but is likely that it has been around for nearly 4,500 years. It is known to have been influenced by Christianity, Buddhism, and Islam.
In Enneagrams, all people are categorized in to nine types. Each type is represented by an animal. The most different thing about the test that greatly differentiates this test from any other is that it explores each of the type’s basic fear, basic desire, temptation, passion, and their biggest virtue. For example, Type 1 is referred to as the “Reformer.” They are perfectionists who fear corruptness and imbalance. They want to be good and they want to have integrity and balance in their lives. Their biggest virtue is serenity.
Since these two tests are the ones that are often used, theorists and researchers have related these two tests together and have matched the type from MBTI to the type of Enneagram.
The reason that the personality tests are so popular within students is because they hope that this test will help them figure out who they are and what they should do in the future. In their teenage years, even when they are students in college, not many truly understand themselves and feel like they know themselves very well.
Recent studies suggest that no matter what environment one might be in, the inner core, the innate features of a person remains. Even though many students try to change their personality to adjust to their surroundings, it is almost impossible to make a fundamental change to one’s born attributes. In other words, people might be able to change certain patterns and behaviors but these will not be able to replace what is “natural” for them.
Personality is, in a way, like talent. If one chooses to pursue a path that he or she is talented in, there is a higher chance that one can achieve more than those who do not have that talent. Similarly, if the temperaments or the innate traits and preferences that a person seems to have correspond to the those of a certain job, then it is relatively easier for them to adjust and achieve their full potential.
Lee Hae Kyung, who has been consulting VentureTech on human resources, specializes on the personality and the communication method that different personalities bring to the companies. “Different personalities are motivated by different reasons. Different personalities are attracted to and more skillful at different tasks than others. The influence personality has on leadership, communication, task completion, skills, and abilities is profound.,” says Lee.
The type of personality that you are born with or develop can affect your current and future life. Through these tests, you might be able to understand who you are and what you might want. They could be a useful resource for the confused students and adults and serve as a reference for guidance.


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