▲ Editor-in-Chief Kweon Yun Jin ('11,English Language and Literature)

Bang! It was one summer morning when the sound shook the serene air of the classroom. As a middle school student, I was busy preparing for final exams, which were just around the corner. Soon enough, the blunt sound was followed by a sharp scream, so I finally lifted my head only to find one of my best friends, named N, had been smacked by another classmate, Y.

Regarding this shocking scene, I overheard that a few weeks previous to that N had stolen her friend’s blue jeans. Getting caught, however, she lied that she had actually been forced to do so by Y, who was sort of a delinquent. So, when Y heard this, N got what she deserved. Later on, it turned out that N had been pilfering small things at school for over a year. Out of disappointment, I quit hanging around with her, but what I learned from this is that crime is all around us, and anybody could commit crimes.

These misdemeanors aside, various types of felonies, especially in urban areas, are frequently covered in the media. Moreover, lately reported cases seem to have become more sophisticated and barbarian, which drives people to be captured by greater fear of crime. A series of recent heinous sexual crimes, for example, have caused citizens to call for much stronger punishment. In accordance with such a social atmosphere, the government has become preoccupied with introducing stricter legislation, such as chemical castration of sexual criminals.

Keenly aware of the circumstances, the April Issue of The Granite Tower (GT) sheds light on varied aspects of and phenomena related to crime. Above all, the cover article deals with diverse occupations involved in investigation to show how each professional dedicates himself or herself to solving intricate criminal cases. Particularly, from Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) that plays an essential role in securing evidence to the public prosecutor who assumes command of the investigation as well as bringing suspected perpetrators to court, GT closely traces how criminal cases are solved in order to maintain public order. On top of this, while reading the issue, you may find answers to some questions you have possibly encountered regarding crimes and criminals–for instance: how ordinary people could be transformed into monstrous culprits, why gun ownership would probably never be banned in the United States, and how prisons will develop in the future.

Somewhere in April, you may be skimming through this magazine simply because you hate studying for midterm exams. Considering that crimes have been one of the most popular topics for those who follow the media, GT hopes that you might take pleasure in reading the magazine, and not worrying about your grades for a while. Please enjoy!


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