A constant stream of wind and waves have been passing through the month. Issues round-the-clock that spark repercussions have raged waves, breezing on the ways of navigation. While each and every individual carry one’s own winds and waves, the winds may lead towards an unexpectable journey that wend the way ahead. With the advent of another season, we are all in the middle of the oceans to pull ahead. 
In light of the exclusive values of implications, the Cover Story has inquired into the rising wave in means of communication – me media and the transition of perspectives towards the contemporary modes of expression. Points at issue waft the ground swell of attentiveness and give vent to voices that may sink beneath. Diverse ideas are baked into the miscellaneous approaches of wind and waves, identifying both the encouraging and influential tides.
Wind is a companion of waves, and with the ups and downs, it pulls strings that may move along the crests. No matter how strong the waves stir inside or how fierce the continual disturbance may last, it should not sway the time to come. I hope this issue hearten the readers for the wind to push ahead and let it spur to waves that stoutly rise out the storms. Quell the disturbances inside, and let any state of confusion to be absorbed as a gentle swell of the sea.  
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