On April 29, at 5:00 A.M., students of the College of Political Science and Economics cleaned the school buildings and greeted ‘Fresh Morning’ with the school janitors. This event was held to celebrate the May Day, or International Worker’s Day, with the purpose of understanding the working environment of school janitors. More than sixty students helped to clean the College of Political Science and Economics Building and the International Studies Hall.

In this year, the Student Council of College of Political Science and Economics organized several events celebrating the May Day, including the ‘Fresh Morning’. On April 27, the council implemented a seminar on the labor reform bill and the working environment of non-regular workers. At dawn, the students watched Cart, a movie dealing with the problem of temporary workers, on the staircase of the building. After cleaning the building, they ate breakfast with the janitors in their resting room. They also participated in the May Day Eve festival on May 30 in front of the City Hall.

Park Hee-Suk, the president of the Student Council stated, “It is certainly valuable to be in solidarity with the laborers as a university student in the capitalistic society.” He also plans to consistently expand this event by visiting tough workplaces or sit-in strikes. Yoon Gang-Hyuk, the leader of Political Science and International Relations Major’ May Day ceremony, said, “Although this event may be temporary, it has undeniable worth as long as we can expect students to think deeply and take actions on labor problems prevalent in our society.”
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